Warning: Explicit language
A landlord has posted a listing for a “private (small) office” inside a toilet in a Glasgow tenement.
The advert described the space as “ideal for solo working”, located in a first floor West End flat and available for £50 per week.
Not only does the bathroom have fibre broadband, it is kitted out with two desks, a mini fridge, lamps and a kettle – alongside a toilet and sink.
“It’s a nice quiet spot and was recently converted. Available from 8am to 6pm [Monday to Friday],” the listing read.
The advert drew jibes after it was shared on social media with Twitter user Ponder Stibbons sharing it with the comment: “Someone in Partick is renting their sh***** out as an office.”
Someone responded: “OK, where is the shower? What about wet paperwork?”
Another user commented: “Zoom calls on the throne.”
Pictures show the desks crammed into the traditional long narrow tenement bathroom with shelves holding coffee and tea making facilities.
The walls are decorated with prints while a single foldable desk chair sits on the tiled floor.
Since being reported on in several publications, the landlord has updated the advert including bumping up the price to £550 a week “due to high demand”.
The listing reads: “We’re a family of five living in a one bed flat in Partick, Glasgow. During lockdown we decided to turn our small flats toilet into a studio space with a desk. It’s got a great vibe. Very unique.
“You’ve probably been sent here because you read quality journalism from the Scottish Sun, Metro, Mail Online and Daily Record.
“Their articles are misleading as this is not only our toilet but also our kitchen, family living room and bedroom (mezzanine bed level not pictured).
“Our three kids are home schooled, and sometimes they have to use the toilet, as do we. However, we are quiet and well trained and will be no bother to you. Upped the price to £550 a week due to high demand.”
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