Carer warned over 'sexually motivated' behaviour and lewd comments

The Glasgow man was alleged to have made his co-workers feel uncomfortable.

Glasgow support worker Emeka Eboh warned after allegedly ‘grabbing and squeezing’ colleague’s hipiStock

A Glasgow support worker given a warning after seven allegations against his “sexually motivated” behaviour were brought in front of a watchdog.

Emeka Eboh, while employed as a support worker between November 2020 and February 2021, was accused of sexually harassing his colleagues ZZ and YY – whose names have been changed to protect their anonymity.

He was said to have “grabbed and squeezed” ZZ’s right hip and told them they had “a nice bum” on more than one occasion.

On other occasions, he allegedly made sexual comments about his own body and made lewd hand gestures.

Eboh was also accused of making comments about a service user, dubbed AA to protect their anonymity, implying that they “would become sexually aroused” if ZZ hugged them.

This, among other allegations, led the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) to find his fitness to practise to be impaired.

In hearing papers, the council said raised concerns about the “pattern of behaviour” Eboh displayed, in which he used language to make his colleagues uncomfortable multiple times, often in front of service users.

It said: “You are expected to not behave in a way in or outside the workplace that would call into question your suitability to work in the social service profession.

“However, you continued to make inappropriate sexualised comments to your colleagues.”

Adding that his behaviour had caused his co-workers “emotional harm”, the council outlined the potential for continued harm if no action was taken against him.

It continued: “The public would expect the SSSC to take the appropriate action to mark the behaviour as unacceptable within the workplace.

“Failure to do so would have a detrimental impact on the reputation of the SSSC as an effective regulator.”

Eboh denied all of the allegations against him and failed to show “remorse or regret” for his behaviour.

However, he did provide positive references regarding his character, as well as an in-depth personal statement form.

The SSSC concluded that Eboh should be allowed to continue working in the sector with two-year warning placed on his registration.

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