Dragonfly sanctuary given go-ahead at old quarry site

Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) worked closely with a contractor after identifying the site as an area of importance for the insects.

Dragonfly sanctuary given go-ahead at old quarry site in Galloway Forest ParkSupplied

Plans to create a dragonfly sanctuary at an old quarry site have been given the go-ahead at Galloway Forest Park.

Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) worked closely with a contractor after identifying the site as an area of importance for the insects.

Works could not proceed until it was confirmed that fish, which were illegally added to the pond over a decade ago, had finally gone.

Kim Kirkbride, environment forester at FLS, said: “We appointed Connicks Ltd, a local contractor with an ecological management background, to help restore the pond, which is about 1500 metres square.

FLS hopes the pond's makeover will attract more dragonflies.Supplied

“The pond had suffered from the illegal introduction of fish, which made it unsuitable for dragonflies. The fish would eat all the larvae.”

However, the illegal fish weren’t the only problems the FLS had to tackle before works could be green lit.

Ms Kirkbride said that over the years, trees and vegetation had naturally encroached on the pond as well as willow scrub which “created too much shade”.

“We need more sunlight on the pond so the water will be warmer, making it more suitable for dragonfly breeding.

“We’ve also removed the majority of vegetation that was in the pond.

The forester said that while vegetation can be useful for dragonflies and other insects when laying there eggs, this pond had too much.

FLS formed a conservation partnership with the British Dragonfly Society in 2023 to protect and boost the population of some of the rarest dragonflies in the British Isles.

Ms Kirkbride said: “The Galloway Forest Park pond was once known for supporting various species of dragonflies, namely darters, hawkers and damselflies.

“So while we’re focused on rebuilding the pond for more common species, it could be we also welcome some of the rarer dragonflies.

“We’re reviewing our forests to work out where we can feasibly enhance or add ponds to support these creatures.

“Where the land management plan identifies where conifer is to be removed and replaced with broadleaf, we may have the option to add wet hollows which fill with water and vegetation.

“Those will eventually attract insects that support other species such as dragonflies and black grouse.

“We want to support the return of dragonflies as they’re a sign of a complex and balanced ecosystem. And they’re also very lovely to watch on a sunny day.”

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