Dolphins tag along on lifeboat crew training exercise

The pod arrived in large numbers following the lifeboat for a while and "generally having fun".

A large pod of dolphins joined in the fun as a lifeboat crew battled through training exercises.

Girvan lifeboat were joined by a some fun friends as they set off on their training session just off Girvan Harbour on Sunday, November 26.

The pod arrived in large numbers following the lifeboat for a while and “generally having fun”.

Girvan lifeboat coxwain/mechanic said it wasn’t unusual for the crew to bump into sealife during their sessions.

Dolphins off Girvan Harbour

They said: “usually we see the odd one or two around while were out and about as well as the odd minky whale or basking shark, but this is the 1st time we have seen such a large pod so close inshore and not too far from the pier end, it was fantastic to see”

The crew stayed with the pod before leaving them to their journey and carrying on with their training exercises.

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