Coasts and water pictures wanted for special calendar

Scottish Natural Heritage is calling on people to share their favourite shots of rivers, coasts, seas, lochs and canals.

Coasts and water pictures wanted for special calendar

Budding photographers are being urged to submit their snaps for a celebratory calendar to mark Scotland’s Year of Coasts & Waters.

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is calling on people to share their favourite pictures of Scotland’s rivers, coasts, seas, lochs and canals.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, SNH said the calendar will help to continue the campaign – which is run by VisitScotland and other public bodies – through into next year.

Shetland: Send in your stunning snaps. <em>Picture by Lorne Gill/SNH</em>”/></div><figcaption aria-hidden=true>Shetland: Send in your stunning snaps. <em>Picture by Lorne Gill/SNH</em> <cite class=hidden></cite></figcaption></figure><p>Cathy Tilbrook, SNH’s head of sustainable coasts & seas, explained that some positive aspects have emerged from what has been a very challenging period for many. </p><p>She said: “During lockdown restrictions, some of us were still able to enjoy local beaches, lochs and waterways on our doorstep, and many people reported finding solace in the natural world.”</p><p>During 2022, the Year of Scotland’s Stories (YSS) will carry on the themed year programme.</p><p>It will showcase the country’s rich literature, film, oral traditions and myths and legends. </p><p>SNH intend to bridge the two themes with the special calendar.</p><figure class=wp-block-image><div class=relative><img loading=lazy decoding=async src= width=1280 height=720 srcset sizes=
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