Greens call for end to zero-hour contracts to deliver 'real new deal for workers'

Patrick Harvie said the plans would be part of the Scottish Greens' manifesto for the upcoming General Election.

Scottish Greens call on next Government to end zero-hour contracts to deliver ‘real new deal for workers’ iStock

The Scottish Greens have called on the next UK Government to deliver a ‘real new deal for workers’ by bringing an end to zero-hours contracts and devolving all employment law to Scotland.

On Tuesday, co-leader Patrick Harvie announced the party’s plans, which will be published in the coming weeks ahead of the Greens’ manifesto.

The party is also calling for an end to anti-trade union laws and a real living wage for all workers.

Harvie said: “The last 14 years of Tory rule have been disastrous for workers. We have seen a systematic rollback on basic trade union rights at a time when workers need effective representation the most. That is why the Scottish Greens are offering a real new deal with respect, dignity and solidarity at its heart.

“Every worker deserves the security, stability and peace of mind that comes from a real living wage, robust protections and an end to exploitative conditions. This is the very least that should be expected.

“Collective bargaining is a cornerstone of trade unionism, and by expanding the rights and representation of workers we can tackle the appalling levels of poverty and inequality that the Tories have done so much to increase.”

Harvie urged the Scottish Labour Party and SNP to match the offer and build a consensus for effective workers representation and rights.

Harvie added: “Time and again Westminster has shown that it can’t be trusted to protect Scotland’s workers. With full powers over employment law we could do so much more to build an economy that is based on solidarity, equality and need rather than corporate greed.

“We could be weeks away from a Labour government with a big majority but no moral compass. Sir Keir Starmer has gone back on almost every pledge he has made, and we must ensure that workers rights aren’t next.

“I want Scotland to be the best country to work and live in. That is why I hope that the Scottish Labour Party and the SNP can back our clear and ambitious demands and join us in building a fairer and better society for people and planet.”

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