The first three weeks of the campaign have whizzed by but after all the fun - and there has been fun - we're now into the nitty-gritty section of the campaign.

Last Thursday, Ukip launched their manifesto. The Scottish Greens, Conservatives and Liberal Democrats followed suit this week.

The SNP will launch their manifesto next week and Labour will do so the following week - eight days before voters go to the polls.

Details of what's featured in the manifestos so far are available on the STV News app politics section. But what is interesting is this now creates the real divisions.

Opinion polls suggest the winner is a foregone conclusion. The battles now lie in who is the opposition and which of the smaller parties take the bigger slice.

The launch of the Scottish Greens' and Liberal Democrats' manifestos show while they may be fighting for the same positioning in the parliament, there are stark differences between their offerings.

Likewise, the much-written about battle for second may look simple but, again, the details from the Tories' manifesto and what we can presume will be in Labour's (because we still have to wait 12 days to see what that has in it) will show the oppositions-in-waiting offer very different prospectuses.

This is when the election gets interesting and when voters can get into what the parties are presenting and what they want in the next Scottish Parliament.

We are beginning to see the identities of the parties, something which may have been missing so far in all the rally driving, animal holding, child cuddling photo ops.

Maybe that's also why Labour's manifesto is late. If this is the part where you show the voters your identity, what you're about and what they can expect - maybe they're still figuring that out.

Analysis by Alison McCallum, STV's assistant producer at Holyrood. You can contact her at