Marathon runners 'fuming' after organisers run out of medals

Multiple running events took place in the capital over the weekend, with around 35,000 estimated to have taken part.

Edinburgh marathon runners ‘fuming’ after  organisers run out of competitor medals Getty Images

Edinburgh Marathon runners were left disappointed after organisers ran out of medals for those finishing races across the city.

Multiple running events took place in the capital over the weekend as part of the Edinburgh Marathon Festival, with around 35,000 estimated to have taken part.

Organisers told a number of finishers they would have to wait to receive their medal in the post after supplies ran out on Sunday.

The organisers took to social media to apologise to finishers, adding that they are investigating the issues.

They said that they have already taken steps to order replacement medals for those who didn’t get theirs on the day.

“We know that there were a small number of finishers for whom we did not have a medal. We are so sorry about this.

“Your achievement merits being presented with your amazing medal straight away, and we were not able to do this,” they wrote in a Facebook comment.

One runner comment on the post expressing how “upset” and “fuming” they were about the situation, adding: “How could you run out when you knew how many people entered.

“The whole weekend was completely disorganised and absolute shambles.”

Another commenter added that they were “disgusted and so disappointed” after finishing the race to find their bag out in the rain.

“I’m absolutely disgusted and so disappointed. I ran the full marathon & you ran out of medals. 26.2 miles & no medal at the end.

“Also thank you for throwing my bag out in the rain. All my dry clothes were soaking wet. So unorganised,” they wrote.

Other commenters criticised how the event handled the heavy rain around the tracks with one user writing: “Wasn’t really ideal meeting my friends and family in a muddy swamp afterwards.

“Some ground sheeting wouldn’t have gone amiss.

“‘Like the running equivalent of the Wonka Experience’ was how I saw it described by someone.”

Organisers have urged those affected to check their email and assured competitors that they will get the medal to them.

“If you were affected, please check your emails as you will have received an email from us reassuring you that you don’t need to do anything and that we will get your medal to you.

“Please also check your junk folder for this if it is not in your inbox,” they wrote.

“We apologise again, and want to thank you for your understanding and patience while we resolve this, and get your well deserved medal to you.”

Edinburgh Marathon Festival has been contacted for comment.

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