Teachers to be balloted on strike action amid threat of cuts

Glasgow educators could walk out after the EIS announced it would hold a consultative ballot on industrial action.

Glasgow teachers to be balloted on strike action amid threat of cuts STV News

Teachers in Scotland’s largest city could go on strike after a union opened a consultative ballot on industrial action.

The Educational Institute of Scotland’s (EIS) local Glasgow association said it would hold the ballot to gauge the willingness of its members to go ahead with walkouts.

The union said it was in response to planned education cuts by Glasgow City Council which could see 450 jobs lost over the next three years.

The EIS said the loss of hundreds of teachers would have a “profound and drastic impact” on pupils while increasing the workload of teachers.

A spokesperson for the union said: “With posts being cut now in preparation for the next session, many of our most recently qualified teachers are facing unemployment.

“This consultative ballot is to gauge the mood of members towards taking industrial action up to and
including strike and may be followed by a statutory ballot, if required Glasgow EIS has previously declared a dispute with Glasgow City Council in the face of this and, alongside sister trade unions and parents’ organisations, is actively campaigning against these devastating cuts.

“No job losses are acceptable but the sheer number of teachers being lost as a result of these cuts is
unthinkable and will lead to further workload pressures, massively increased stress and significantly
diminished capacity for remaining teachers to adequately support children and young people.”

Last week, parents, teachers and pupils gathered outside Langside Halls to demand the plans to cut 450 teaching be halted.

There was a big turnout in council leader Susan Aitken’s ward for a demonstration organised by Glasgow City Parents Group (GCPG).

Children held up posters and banners opposing the cuts while speakers from GCPG and trade unions EIS, GMB and Unison called on Glasgow City Council to reconsider the proposals.

A spokesperson for Glasgow City Council said: “We have been informed by the EIS that they will be carrying out a consultive ballot and we will await the outcome.”

More to follow.

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